Roger Manno
In 2010, Delegate Roger Manno embarked on an uphill primary challenge against a well-funded incumbent state senator. While they had similar stances on issues, they had very different leadership styles. Most insiders in the district thought Roger made a mistake by mounting a challenge.
Our opponent accused Roger of hiding his past. He was – but not for the reasons our opponent wanted voters to believe. The Beytin Agency rapidly turned around a series of mailers focusing on Roger’s real and inspiring life story. Our opponent began his attacks online. Because of our rapid response, Roger’s first response piece landed in homes one day before our opponent’s first attack mailer hit. On election night, Roger pulled off one of the biggest upsets in the state. It wasn’t close. Voters responded to The Beytin Agency’s twelve-piece mail program and Roger’s unique story of overcoming struggle. In this campaign, we asked Roger to do something very difficult – to display his heart on his sleeve. The community embraced him for it.